This list is updated weekly when the appellate courts are in session.
- Crockett v. Crockett, No. CV-23-695 (retained for appellants petition for rehearing/review in a case involving jurisdiction to quiet title, petition for rehearing filed)
- Belinga v. Belinga, No. CV-25-143 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal, interlocutory order of receivership, briefing underway)
- Central Arkansas Contractors, Inc. v. Elaine Legacy Center, Inc., No. CV-25-42 (appellant's counsel on appeal, venue, briefing underway)
- BFT Rental, LLC v. Arkansas Highway Commission, No. CV-24-488 (condemnation case, co-counsel for appellant on appeal, brief filed)
- Poole v. Arnold, No. CV-24-570 (contract, appellant's counsel, brief filed)
- Simshauser v. Simshauser, No. CV-24-607 (contempt order, appellant's counsel, brief filed)
- Domus Faras America, Inc., v. Cole, Polk Circuit No. 57CV-22-9 (contract, appellants' counsel, briefing underway)
- Johnson v. Schulze, Special Administrator, Pulaski Circucit No. 60CV-23-9656 (motor vehicle, appellant's co-counsel on appeal, case resolved before lodging of record)
- Young v. Tash, No. CV-24-775 (appellant's counsel, custody, brief filed)
- Cochran v. Patter, No. 26CV-22-584 (appellee's counsel on appeal, land, appellant dismissed their appeal)
- Pardue v. Cross Keys Property Owners Association, Inc., No. CV-24-194 (appellant's counsel on appeal retained for petitions for rehearing and review, filed, denied)
- Simshauser v. Simshauser, No. CV-24-272 appellant's counsel on appeal, contempt order, brief filed)
- Walters v. Dockman, No. CV-24-269, appellant's counsel on appeal, land, brief filed)
- Durham v. Dassault Falcon Jet Corp., No. 24-1855 (8th Cir.) (appellant's counsel on appeal, wrongful termination, brief filed)
- Conner v. Conner, No. CV-24-217 (appellant's counsel on appeal, domestic relations case, brief filed)
- Hargrove v. Union Pacific Railroad Co., No. CV-24-155 (appellant's counsel, procedural issue re dismissal for failure to prosecute ,in FELA case, when mail went to spam folder, brief filed)
- Davis v. Vondran, No. CV-23-672 (appellant's counsel, domestic relations, brief filed)
- Black Farms LLC v. Grand Prairie Farming & Water Co., LLC, No. CV-24-98 (co-counsel for petitioners, petition for writ of certiorari denied)
- Scholz v. Esquire Ranches, LLC, No. CV-23-779 (appellant's counsel on appeal, motion to dismiss appeal granted with 5 judges dissenting; my petition for reconsideration denied, and petition for review denied)
- Wells v. Wells, 2024 Ark. App. 348 (appellee's co-counsel on appeal, custody and relocation, reversed and remanded)
- Hansen v. Murphy, CV-24-37, appellants' co-counsel in interlocutory appeal in medical marijuana licensure contract dispute and injunctive order, brief filed)
- Grand Prairie Farming & Water Co. v. Black Farms, LLC, No. CV-23-476 (appellees' co-counsel on appeal, recent motion for reconsideration of order granting stay, denied, brief filed)
- Madding v. Keech Law Firm, P.A., No. CV-21-236 (appellant's counsel petition for rehearing and petition for review denied)
- McShane v. Woods, et al, No. CV-23-614 (appellate counsel for appellees, responding to petitions for extraordinary writs, both petitions denied by the Supreme Court)
- McShane v. Woods, No. CV-23-694 (appellee's counsel, my motion to dismiss appeal granted on 1-17-24)
- Henderson v. Simpson, No. CV-23-644 (appellee's counsel, domestic relations case, brief filed)
- Randolph v White, Sebastian Circuit (Probate) CV-23-686 (appellants' co-counsel on appeal, brief filed)
- Richard v. Boerner, Garland Circuit CV-23-753 (co-counsel for appellants, multiple defendants in insurance dispute over $1.1 million in fire loss, notice of appeal filed from order granting motion for new trial, heir motion to dismiss appeal denied, brief filed)
- Andraca v. Tice, No. CV-23-679 (for appellant's counsel, guardianship where trial court ruled consequences of being illegal immigrant made mother unfit, taking child from her and placing in guardianship, (motion to consolidate with In re Guardianship of A.P.G., Pope County Circuit No. 58PR-20-205 granted and brief filed, petitions to file amicus briefs in our favor granted for ACLU Immigrants Rights Project, ACLU of Arkansas, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, Hispanic Women's Organization of Arkansas, and Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association)
- Reynolds v. Reynolds, 2024 Ark. App. 229 (appellant's counsel, change of custody, affirmed)
- Walters v. Estate of Christopher Dockman, No. CV-23-626 (appellant's counsel, land, motion to dismiss granted without prejudice due to non-final order)
- Lakewood Subdivision Homeowners Association, Inc. v. City of Fayetteville, et al, No. CV-23-157 (appellee La Hacienda of Northwest Arkansas, co-counsel on appeal) (my motion to dismiss appeal with prejudice granted on 8-23-23)
- Jackson v. Goynes, No. CV-23-426 (appellant's counsel, tort trespass, dismissed for lack of final order)
- McKirch v. Myers, 2023 Ark. App. 522, (father's, appellant's, counsel in adoption appeal, affirmed)
- Prowse v. Union Pacific Railroad Company, 2024 Ark. App. 594 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal, service of process, affirmed)
- Short v. Post, No. CV-23-551, co-counsel on appeal for appellant, probate, brief filed)
- East Macedonia Baptist Church v. Pettit, 2024 Ark. App. 424 (appellants' counsel, easement, affirmed)
- Hiob, LLC v. Higgins, 2024 Ark. App. 504 (plaintiff's' co-counsel on appeal, default judgment in contract case, affirmed)
- Kastl v. Perez, No. CV-23-396 (appellant's counsel, land, brief filed)
- Shelton v. Reid, 2024. Ark. App. 202 (appellant's counsel, adoption, affirmed)
- Riley v. First State Bank , 2024 Ark. App. 142 (appellant's counsel, settlement agreement, affirmed)
- London v. Sauerwin, 2023 Ark. App, 525 (appellee's counsel, domestic relations, appeal dismissed)
- Thomason v. Thomason Investments, LLC, 2023 Ark. App. 578 (appellant's counsel, contract, affirmed)
- Wester v. Wester, 2024 Ark. App. 156 (appellee's counsel, divorce, affirmed)
- Tackett v. Miller-Claborn Oil Distributing Co., Inc., 2024 Ark. App. 360 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal 4, order vacating injunction. affirmed)
- Ruffin v. Command Center, Inc., 2023 Ark. App. 68 (appellant's co-counsel, workers' compensation, average weekly wage, affirmed)
- Simmons v. Simmons, 2023 Ark. App. 386 (appellant's counsel, termination of guardianship, affirmed)
- Nichols v. Swindoll, 2023 Ark. 146 (attorney malpractice claims, appellant's co-counsel on petitions for rehearing and petition for review, both of which were granted, with the Supreme Court also granting a rehearing of its opinion issued following granting the petition for review, and by substituted opinion reversing the trial court dismissal order, their petition for rehearing denied)
- Tackett v. Miller-Claborn Oil Distributing Co., Inc., 2024 Ark. App. 359 (appellants' co-counsel on appeal, discovery sanction, affirmed)
- Gadberry v. Gadberry, 2023 Ark. App. 398 (appellant's counsel, domestic relations appeal, affirmed)
- Linder v. Gertsch, 2023 Ark. App, 484 (appellant's counsel, land, affirmed)
- McDermott Brandon Properties v. Wheeler, 2023 Ark. App. 269 (appellee's counsel on appeal, land, affirmed)
- Smith v. Orsburn, 2024 Ark. App. 330 (appellants’ co-counsel on appeal, real estate contract, affirmed)
- David A. Couch, PLLC v. Grayson & Grayson, P.A., No. 2023 Ark. App. 480 (appellee's counsel, contract, reversed and remanded)
- Cogburn v. Marsh, 2023 Ark. App. 114 (appellants' counsel, default judgment, reversed and dismissed)
- Hanson v. Hanson, 2023 Ark. App. 363 (appellee's counsel on appeal, divorce, affirmed)
- Wright v. Wright, 2023 Ark. App. 512 (domestic abuse, affirmed)
- Grigsby v. Grigsby, Newton Circuit 2023 Ark. App. 250, appellant's counsel on appeal, constructive trust, affirmed)
- Banks v. Banks, 2022 Ark. App. 403 (appellant's counsel on appeal, service of process, affirmed)
- Dicus v. Dicus, Pulaski Circuit No. CV-21-424, appellant's co-counsel on appeal, guardianship, following death, Court of Appeals, with four judge dissents, granted appellee's motion to dismiss appeal)
- Baker v. Adams, 2024 Ark. App. 577 (appellants' counsel on appeal, sanctions, disallowance of voluntary nonsuit in wrongful death, with multiple parties, oral argument given, reversed and remanded)
- Dicholkar v. McMillon, 2024 Ark. App. 155 (appellant's counsel, motor vehicle collision, affirmed)
- In re Estate of Lexa Page, Sr., Deceased, 2023 Ark. App. 489 (appellant's counsel in probate appeal for Lexa Page, Jr., affirmed)
- Tackett v. Freedman, 2024 Ark. App. 358 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal of Order Disallowing Claim, affirmed)
- In re Guardianship of A.P.G., 2022 Ark. App. 325 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal, from guardianship order. reversed and remanded))
- House v. House, 2021 Ark. App. 380 (appellee's co- counsel on appeal, reversed and remanded for findings of fact)
- Phifer v. Ouellette, No. CV-20-747, co-counsel for appellees, petition for writ of certiorari denied)
- Phifer v. Ouellette, 2022 Ark. App 78, co-counsel for appellees, interpretation of phrase "less and except", affirmed as modified)
- Long v. RJMB Holdings, LLC, No. CV- 21-70 (appellant's counsel, contract, my motion to dismiss appeal because of settlement on appeal, granted);
- Plymale v. Rogers, 2020 Ark. App. 568, No. CV-20-174 (my petition for review gran, 2021 Ark. 125, reversed and dismissed)
- Meyer v. Meyer, No. CV-20-71, appellee's counsel on appeal, tort, my motion to dismiss appeal granted)
- In Re Estate of John Z.Tackett, Jr., Sevier County, 2022 Ark. App. 135 (appellant's counsel, appeal of probate court settlement order, affirmed)
- Phifer v. Ouellette, et al, White County Circuit No. CV-2013-156 (co-counsel for defendants in multi-party appeal, (my motion for attorneys' fees pending)
- Adkins v. Adkins, Ouachita Circuit No. 52DR-20-58 (appellant's counsel, appellant dismissed her appeal before lodging record)
- Hunter v. Diamante, a Private Membership Golf Club, LLC, No. CV-20-515, Petition for Writ of Certiorari (standing of a party to file a brief) (petition denied in the Supreme Court)
- Jolliff v. Wilson, 2021 Ark. App. 430, appellant's counsel, order of protection, affirmed),
- Arnold v. Pryztarski, 2021 Ark. App. 440, appellant's natural father's counsel, adoption appeal (affirmed) (petitions for rehearing and for review filed)
- Raynor v. Brennan, No. 20-3002, Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, Title VII, brief file)
- Conley v. Conley, Faulkner No. 23DR-19-959 (appellant's counsel, appellant dismissed appeal before lodging record)
- Holiman v. Holiman, 2020 Ark. App. 558 (appellant's counsel, domestic relations appeal involving international relocation, reversed and remanded)
- Grayson & Grayson, P.A. v. Couch, 2023 Ark. App. 479 (appellant’s counsel, contract, reversed and remanded )
- Tilton v. Tilton, No. 2021 Ark. App. 365 (appellee's counsel, domestic relations appeal, reversed and remanded for additional factual findings)
- Mack v. Ivy, 2020 Ark. Ap. 144, appellant’s counsel on appeal, contract, reversed and remanded)
- Hunter v. Diamanté Members Club, Inc., No,. 2022 Ark. App. 370 (appellants' counsel, contract, affirmed)
- Mark Dana v. Diamanté Members Club, Inc., 2022 Ark. App. 366 (appellants' counsel, contract, affirmed)
- Winters v. Diamanté Members Club, Inc., 2022 Ark. App. 369 (appellant's counsel, contract, affirmed)
- Woodward v. . Diamanté Members Club, Inc. , 2022 Ark. App. 365 (appellants' counsel, contract, affirmed)
- Brunner v. Diamanté Members Club, Inc., 2022 Ark. App. 362 (appellants' counsel, contract, affirmed)
- Faigin v. Diamanté Members Club, Inc., 2022 Ark. App. 361 (appellants' counsel, contract, affirmed),
- Ronald Dana v. Diamanté Members Club, Inc., 2022 Ark. App. 364 (appellants' counsel, contract, affirmed)
- Eldridge v. Waugh, (appellant’s co-counsel, 2022 Ark. App. 241 (piercing corporate veil, affirming order setting aside summary judgment order and remanding for trial) (settled on remand)
- Norton v. United States Automobile Association, 2020 Ark. App.100 (appellee’s co-counsel on appeal, medical payments, reversed)
- Williams v. Circuit Court of Baxter County, Arkansas, No. CV-19-320 (appellate counsel for petitioner, Petition for Writ of Prohibition, denied)
- Gray v. Marianna Housing Authority, 2020 Ark App. 203 (negligence case with injury to a child, co-counsel for appellant on appeal, affirmed)
- Webb’s Sporting Goods v. Mack’s Prairie Wings, 2021 Ark. App. 498 (appellant’s co-counsel on appeal, business tort litigation, affirmed)
- Town of Springtown, Arkansas v. Lemke, et al, Benton Circuit No. 2020 Ark. App. 176 (appellee's counsel, city ordinance)) (reversed)
- Williams v. Williams, 2020 Ark. App. 204, for appellant, child custody order affirmed, other portions of appeal dismissed without prejudice)
- State v. Monroe County Circuit Court, No. CR-19-79 (co-counsel on appeal for individual respondent, petition for writ of prohibition, granted)
- BMO Harris Bank, N.A. v. Unique Freight Systems, et al, No. 19-1076, 8th Cir. (retained as co-counsel on appeal for appellants/defendants, breach of contract case, brief filed, settlement reached after briefs filed, my motion to dismiss granted)
- Elaine Petroleum Distributor, Inc. v. Snyder, 2022 Ark. App. 59 (co-counsel on appeal for China defendant, affirmed)
- Waldron v. CR Crawford Construction, LLC, et al, No. CV-19-184 (appeal of contempt, counsel on appeal for appellant) (Following bankruptcy court order granting relief from stay in companion case, the Arkansas Court of Appeals granted our motion to remand so trial court may consider earlier motion under Ark. R. Civ. P. 60(a), and granted a trial court motion to vacate the order appealed from, and our motion to dismiss appeal granted)
- SAM Group, LLC v. CR Crawford Construction, LLC, No. CV-18-724 (appellant minority shareholder's counsel on appeal, and our motion to dismiss our participation in appeal because of settlement granted)
- Stacy v. Stacy, No. CV-18-920 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal, interlocutory appeal of injunction, brief filed) (accepted for oral argument) (case settled after briefs filed, with the Court granting a joint motion to dismiss)
- Anita G., LLC v. Centennial Bank, No. 2019 Ark. App. 271 (co-counsel on appeal for defendant-appellant, interlocutory appeal involving easement, affirmed)
- Hearst v. Newcomb, 2018 Ark. App. 573 (appellant's counsel on appeal, legal negligence, affirmed)
- Brewer v. Massey, 2018 Ark. App. 529 (appellee's counsel on appeal, guardianship, affirmed)
- Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration v. Clear Creek Medical, et al, 2018 Ark. 224 (co-counsel on appeal for appellee-license applicant, reversed and dismissed due to lack of subject matter jurisdiction).
- Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration v. Natural State Agronomics, Inc., 2018 Ark. 224 (co-counsel on appeal for appellee license applicant, reversed and dismissed due to lack of subject matter jurisdiction).
- Apprentice Information Systems, Inc. v. Datascout, LLC, 2018 Ark. 146, co-counsel for appellee in appeal, interlocutory appeal of injunction, reversed).
- Amason v. City of Calion of Union County, Arkansas, No. 2019 Ark. App. 106 (co-counsel on appeal for appellant, eminent domain, opposition to sewage discharge project, real property, affirmed)
- Aydelott v. Circuit Court of Boone County, No. CV-18-51 (co-counsel for petitioners, guardianship jurisdiction, Petition for Writ of Prohibition denied)
- Miesner v. Estate of Allred, No. CV-16-946 (Petitioner's counsel, Petition for Writ of Error Coram Nobis denied)
- Roberts v. Riege, 2018 Ark. App. 262 (default judgment on counterclaim and defense verdict on complaint, co-counsel on appeal for appellee, affirmed)
- McGahhey v. McGahhey, 2018 Ark. App. 597 (marital property appeal, co-counsel on appeal for appellee, affirmed in part, reversed in part )
- Phifer v. Cowin, et al, No. CV-17-989 (probate, co-counsel on appeal for appellees Cowin) (appellant dismissed appeal for lack of a final order, but later refiled and briefing underway)
- Cooper v. Merweather, 2018 Ark. App. 282 (appellant's counsel on appeal, custody, affirmed)
- McCoy v. Robertson, 2018 Ark. App. 279 (co-counsel on appeal for appellant, medical negligence case, service issue, affirmed)
- Reed v. Smith, 2018 Ark. App. 313 (appellants' counsel on appeal, trust, affirmed dismissal order, but modified to dismissal without prejudice)
- Townsend v. Townsend, 2018 Ark. App. 256 (appellant's counsel on appeal, jurisdictional challenge to modify Hawaii decree, reversed and dismissed)
- Riley v. WelcomeToTulum Investment Properties, LLC, 2018 Ark. App. 91 (appellant's counsel on appeal, real estate contract, affirmed)
- James v. Walchli, 2017 Ark. App.. 645 (appellee's co-counsel on appeal, order to sign passport application, fees, child support, affirmed in part and reversed in part)
- Kraft v. Limestone Partners, LLC, 2017 Ark. App. 315 (co-counsel for petitions for rehearing and review, denied)
- Roberts v. Riege, 2017 Ark. App. 408 (co-counsel on appeal for appellee, land case, my motion to dismiss appeal granted); following remand and new appeal, Roberts v. Riege, 2018 Ark. App. 262 (co-counsel for appellee on appeal, default judgment and damages, affirmed).
- Wakefield v. Bell, 2018 Ark. App. 120 (co-counsel on appeal for appellant, child custody, affirmed)
- Riley v . Welcometotulum Investment, LLC, No. 17-311 (appellant's counsel, my motion to stay granted in Supreme Court during appeal)
- Brewington v. Keener, 2018 U.S. App. LEXIS 24679 (8th Cir. 2018) (civil rights case, excessive force, affirmed)
- Grantham v. Hornbeck Agricultural Group, LLC, 2017 Ark. App. 520 (co-counsel on appeal for appellant, workers' compensation, affirmed)
- Barnett v. Cleghorn, 2017 Ark. App. 641 (co-counsel on appeal for appellant, multi vehicle collision, reversed and remanded)
- Marks v. Saville, 2017 Ark. App. 668 (appellants' counsel on appeal, discovery sanction, affirmed)
- Darr v. Billeaudeau, 2018 Ark. App. 16 (co-counsel for appellant on appeal, will contest, affirmed)
- Miesner v. Estate of Joyce Priest Allred, 2017 Ark. App. 390 (appellant's counsel on appeal, family settlement agreement, affirmed)
- Barton v. Brockinton, 2017 Ark. App. 369 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal, survey, affirmed)
- Hortelano v. Hortelano, 2017 Ark. App. 98 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal, child custody, affirmed)
- Sexton v. Local Police and Fire Retirement System, 2016 Ark. App. 496 (Appellant's counsel, cancer disability case arising from fume exposures as firefighter, reversed and remanded)
- Lagios v. Goldman, No. 15-1418, United States Supreme Court (substitute counsel for petitioner, adoption), cert. denied, 2016 U.S. LEXIS 4765 (2016)
- Emis v. Emis, 2017 Ark 52 (co-counsel for appellant on petition for review, granted, and reversed and remanded to court of appeals)
- Razorback Cab of Fort Smith, Inc. v. Amon, 2016 Ark. App. 352 (appellants' co-counsel for petition for rehearing and review) (denied, 2016))
- Perry v. Wolfe, 858 F.3d 1141 (8thCir. 2017) (co-counsel for appellee on appeal, immunity, affirmed)
- Murphey v. Fuller, 2017 Ark. App. 164 (appellee's counsel in appeal, their appeal dismissed without prejudice)
- Morris v. Knopick, 2017 Ark. App. 225 (appellee's/cross appellant's counsel on appeal, breach of contract and negligence, affirmed on direct appeal and cross appeal)
- Apprentice Information Systems, Inc. v. Datascout, LLC, No. CV-16-575 (co-counsel on appeal for appellee, interlocutory appeal, injunction, motion to reassign to Supreme Court granted)
- Fowlkes v. Director Department of Workforce Services, 2017 Ark. App. 56 (appellant's counsel on appeal, unemployment, affirmed)
- Morris v. Grand Savings Bank, No. CV-16-308 (co-counsel on appeal for appellees, contract and tort claims) (appeal resolved while briefing underway)
- Harris v. Beth, 2017 Ark. App. 186 (co-counsel on appeal for appellee, immunity, affirmed)
- Hood v. Hood,, 2016 Ark. App. 266 (appellant's co-counsel on appeal, guardiansh